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Rules for posting

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  • Rules for posting

    Information about the board and how it operates can be found by clicking the HELP link on the black banner across the bottom of the pages. After clicking HELP, check the menu on the left of the page.

    Here are the rules for posting on
    The following rules are designed to keep things positive. Please read them carefully. If any moderator perceives violations by any poster, it will lead to editing or deleting of posts, or loss of posting privileges, and possible banning from The decisions of moderators are final and not negotiable.

    By registering to post on this forum you acknowledge and accept all rules of participation as outlined below. If you don't agree with these guidelines, please don't post.
    This forum is designed and intended for fans of Bradley University to discuss Bradley Braves sports and related sports topics. It is designed to be family-friendly and pro-Bradley. All participants are asked to conduct themselves with dignity and class. Profanity or vulgar slang will not be tolerated in messages, titles, screen names, or in any other mode that is visible to readers. Words that have been intentionally misspelled to get by the profanity filter, will not be allowed, and are grounds for deletion or banning. Please keep posts positive and informative.
    Bradleyfans staff reserves the right to edit or delete posts at their discretion!
    Posts should not contain any of the following content:
    - Personal insults or attacks directed at other posters - please post ideas and opinions, but do not direct posts at other posters or use other poster's names in your posts. No name-calling.
    This is an essential rule necessary to keep the board civil, and is the most frequent reason for deletions of posts. It will be strictly enforced.
    - Profanity or vulgarities- we will decide what is profane or vulgar, but you know what it is. Consider that there people of all ages that visit this board. So even terms like "sucks" are considered inappropriate.
    - Opinions that are purely political and have no bearing on sports, or statements that involve political or controversial topics unrelated to Bradley sports.
    - Flames - everyone knows what flaming is, and it will not be tolerated. The judgement of moderators is final.
    - Excessively or unfairly negative or nonconstructive criticism of Bradley, the coaches, or any personnel or staff at Bradley.
    - Negative criticism of Bradley players, recruits, or potential recruits, or comments about whether they are Division I material.
    - Unfairly negative criticism of other institutions or individuals may also be considered inappropriate at the discretion of the moderators
    - Posts that mock or ridicule players or coaches
    - Criticism of forum staff or the moderating decisions. If anyone has questions about moderator's decisions, they must be sent by Private Message to a moderator and not posted publicly on the board.
    - Criticism about Bradley players, coaches, or staff, or any information that is deemed unfairly or excessively negative or defamatory in nature and any discussion of closed Bradley practices or scrimmages
    - Off-topic posts - unless clearly marked as Off Topic (and there are no complaints about the topic.)
    - Topic "hi-jacking"
    - Multiple, identical posts, or repetitive posts
    - Material that may be construed as offensive or controversial in any way, whether or not it is on-topic; this includes political, racial, or ethnic topics which have no place and will not be tolerated here on a forum for Bradley basketball and other sports-related topics.
    - Commercial advertising or other forms of SPAM. This applies to messages and member's signatures, and includes links to advertising sites.
    - Anything lewd, or remotely resembling pornography or issues of questionable taste. This includes avatar pictures.
    - Links to any site that contains any of the above may also be considered violations, including links in messages or signatures. No links to sites that contain adult material.
    - Posts that contain links should include a meaningful description of what the link leads to and must link directly to the site or the material that it is purported to be. Posts with links that direct people to other message boards, private blogs, or any site that may contain objectionable material will be deleted and may lead to loss of posting privileges by that member
    - Posting links to other forums or to gaming, fantasy sports sites, or other sites for the purpose of directing traffic from to those sites for financial or other gain is prohibited. It will be considered a form of hijacking and/or advertising, and those posts will be deleted and may lead to loss of posting privileges by that member.
    - The content of Emails or Private Message to other members will be considered subject to these same rules. Though emails and Private Messages that originate from this site are private and seen only by the senders and receivers, we expect members to comply with this same set of rules. If complaints are received, or if any Private Messages are forwarded to moderators that violate the rules, members responsible are subject to banning.
    - Individual avatars are allowed, but must not contain anything inappropriate and should be different from previously registered posters
    - Avatars must not contain nudity or sexual suggestions or implied sexual themes
    - Screen names, avatars, web links and signatures are also subject to the same rules of appropriateness as the content of the posts
    - We do not support the use of images in member's signatures
    - Signatures should not address, call out, or attack other members or moderators of the forum, or the forum itself, or personnel connected with Bradley.
    - Use of quotes from other posters are not allowed in signatures, unless used in a positive or complimentary manner.
    - Signatures that include political statements of any kind are subject to editing and deletion
    - Screen names, avatars, web links, signatures, or any posted material is subject to the approval of the moderators
    - Please resist the temptation to post comments regarding other posters spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Unless a poster's incorrect spelling, grammar, or punctuation make it hard to understand the meaning of his post. Such posts that comment on or criticize errors like this will be removed.
    - Violators of any of these policies will be subject to editing or deleting by the moderators, or loss of posting privileges (banning).
    Discussion of players should be limited to their performance on court. Discussions of off-court issues involving players will be strictly limited to verifiable reports and discussions in good taste. Exceptions are granted only if the subject has been reported in the media or released by the University athletic department. Ultimately, the decisions of the moderators of this forum are final.

    All posts must show respect for other posters and show respect for Bradley University and the individual players, coaches, administrators, and other personnel. Constructive criticism is permitted, but must be done in a civil manner that demonstrates a basic respect for the people being discussed. Generalizations, name-calling, and personal insults will be removed and are grounds for having board privileges revoked. If a poster wishes to criticize someone, he must state specifically what his criticism is based on. Discussions about which players deserve playing time are OK, but discussions about who deserves to be on the team, remain on scholarship, or which suggest that players should transfer or not return will not be allowed. Also not allowed are unsubstantiated rumors about players' academic, eligibility, or other personal issues, or about players transferring or leaving the team. Such rumors may be allowable once they become verifiable or publicly reported by Bradley or legitimate media sources. The moderators' decisions on these issues will be final. In some cases, moderators may be exempt from these rules.

    Personal Information:
    Personal information about coaches, players, player's family, or other representatives of Bradley or any institution are strictly prohibited. Do not post links to other sites where such personal information is available.
    Other personal information:
    Posting of personal information about anyone other than yourself is also strictly prohibited.
    We highly value the confidentiality of members' personal and identifying information.
    Posting or revealing any personal or identifying information about other posters on this forum or elsewhere is considered an offense that will result in immediate banning from
    Posting personal information about yourself, or revealing your email address, name, or other personal information is strongly discouraged, and may be subject to deletion if deemed inappropriate by moderators.
    Violating these privacy rules could result in a loss of posting privileges (ban). Post information about yourself only at your own risk.
    Content from other sites:
    It is illegal to post content from a subscription-based or premium website, such as ESPN Insider, on other websites. It is also illegal to post information directly from copyrighted sources. This will not be allowed. You may post a title or a brief excerpt from copyrighted articles, then post a link to the article.
    Posts that violate these guidelines are subject to deletion or editing by staff. As with any forum of this nature, there will frequently be a degree of subjectivity when determining whether guidelines have been violated. If your post gets edited or deleted, you may send a PM to the moderators, but they are not obligated to answer or justify their actions. Their discretion and decisions are final and not negotiable. Do not publicly post questions about moderating decisions or post questions asking why your post was deleted. Such posts will also be deleted. If you feel a mistake has been made, send a Private Message to a moderator or administrator (click on name and send message) or click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page.
    Users who repeatedly violate these guidelines will be subject to loss of posting privileges either temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity or number of violations.
    This is not a government-run forum. It does not receive any outside funding. The forum is privately owned and run entirely by Bradley fans who volunteer their time and are not employees of Bradley University or any media or government organization. The first amendment does not apply here and there is no "freedom of speech" right to post here. Do not complain about censorship if you don't like the decisions of moderators. If you're looking for a forum where you can say whatever you want, you are free to start your own website, or we can refer you to another forum.
    A note to students: It is great to have you on! Please encourage your friends to join and participate. However, please consider that the "make-up" of the Bradleyfans community includes people of many different ages, from pre-teens to senior citizens. Since some terms that are common to young people may be offensive to people of other generations, we ask that you please pay special attention to the unacceptable items listed above. Thank you.
    A note to fans of other schools: This is a forum for fans and supporters of Bradley University. You are a guest here and should conduct yourselves accordingly. Flaming or trolling will not be tolerated.
    Please do not conduct personal discussions in the forums. The Private Messaging system is available here and we encourage you to use it for personal discussions. Click on any poster's name and send a Private Message to contact any other poster or member.
    None of the content on these forums is copyrighted, and fans are welcome to use it as they wish. But we ask that if you take original information from our site and post it onto another site, please be courteous enough to give credit to, or post a link to this site. This also applies to members of the media who take news or information that breaks on this site. We request that you please give credit to
    Thank you and enjoy your time on Bradleyfans!

    And again, be aware that the decisions of the moderators and the administrators are final and not open to debate, negotiation, or appeal.

    Bradleyfans assumes no liability for the actions of individuals who post on or view this site. Bradleyfans will fully cooperate with legal authorities if said actions lead to unlawful conduct. is not affiliated with Bradley University. It is privately owned and run, and none of the owners or moderators of are employees of Bradley University.

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