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Appalling grenade?

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  • Originally posted by tornado
    I agree -- it appears to be a very illogical and surprising thing...but then I think it shows the reason....
    and that reason is the same as a few of our posters who seem happy and giddy when BU loses......
    they are intensely anti-JL and their bias against him and dislike for him takes precedence...

    No doubt a few of these people were MIA when Jim Les had even moderate success, once the wheels started falling off they have returned and are circling the wagon.


    • I apologize beforehand if this sounds condescending. But come on. We are all intelligent people on this board (I think). I'm guessing most of us have been following sports for many, many years. Been reading newspapers, columns, blogs, listening to call in shows, watching sports programs on TV, etc. etc. etc.

      How is what Kirk Wessler wrote any different than what has been going on in sports media for decades?

      There was speculation by a sports columnist?? The humanity!!

      A media person commented about the job status of a head coach of a major sports program? Who has HEARD of such a thing?!?!?!?!?!

      A blogger blogged about something that was an opinion that might have caused some discussion and debate? When did THIS practice start?!?!?!?

      The funny thing is Kirk did EXACTLY what good media people did. Gave an opinion in a column that eventually got people talking and discussing. Hmm, seems THAT is the job of the media.

      I honestly still, really, really, really struggle that in 2011 people don't understand the role of the media. It's mind boggling to me at times.


      • Originally posted by canadian View Post
        I apologize beforehand if this sounds condescending. But come on. We are all intelligent people on this board (I think). I'm guessing most of us have been following sports for many, many years. Been reading newspapers, columns, blogs, listening to call in shows, watching sports programs on TV, etc. etc. etc.

        How is what Kirk Wessler wrote any different than what has been going on in sports media for decades?

        There was speculation by a sports columnist?? The humanity!!

        A media person commented about the job status of a head coach of a major sports program? Who has HEARD of such a thing?!?!?!?!?!

        A blogger blogged about something that was an opinion that might have caused some discussion and debate? When did THIS practice start?!?!?!?

        The funny thing is Kirk did EXACTLY what good media people did. Gave an opinion in a column that eventually got people talking and discussing. Hmm, seems THAT is the job of the media.

        I honestly still, really, really, really struggle that in 2011 people don't understand the role of the media. It's mind boggling to me at times.

        You are right about the fact that we are all intelligent, I have papers to prove it.
        But the rest of your post is indeed condescending.

        What Kirk wrote was not a simple commentary on the coaching ability of JL, which is indeed done commonly by columnists who think they are the supreme experts. It was an unsubstantiated rumor that he knows will be damaging to the coaches, and it goes 180 against his own preaching from 3/30/10. IMO, it is an embarrassment to the PJ Star, and they owe the coach an apology and a retraction. We aren't talking about an insignificant issue like the outcome of a game, we are talking about someone's livelihood.


        • Originally posted by canadian View Post
          The funny thing is Kirk did EXACTLY what good media people did. Gave an opinion in a column that eventually got people talking and discussing. Hmm, seems THAT is the job of the media.

          I honestly still, really, really, really struggle that in 2011 people don't understand the role of the media. It's mind boggling to me at times.
          I just had to give this post an "Amen" canadian. You're obviously a wise man/woman.


          • Originally posted by tornado
            OMG -- and I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy....

            there are many people with an intense dislike of JL, I have seen and converse with many of them and you are making it up if you say you've never seen one.

            BTW -- can you cite for me even one of your vast number of posts either here or on other message boards that was clearly and unequivocally pro-JL?
            I rest my case....

            Personal bias against Jim Les is what he posted.

            I like Jim Les, the person.

            I wanted Jim Les to be successful.

            I DO NOT like the way his tenure at BU has gone.

            Those are separate things.

            There is no personal bias against Jim Les. Not liking what has happened with his coaching is not personal, in any way.
            When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


            • Just four months ago someone here posted that we should have snapped up Tim Jankovich before ISU got everyone over there wants the guy gone...

              I get a kick out of the revolving door of opinions about who BU should have as a coach.....


              • Originally posted by tornado
                OMG -- and I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy....

                there are many people with an intense dislike of JL, I have seen and converse with many of them and you are making it up if you say you've never seen one.

                BTW -- can you cite for me even one of your vast number of posts either here or on other message boards that was clearly and unequivocally pro-JL?
                I rest my case....
                Again, if you personally are conversing with people who have an intense dislike of JL then that's your deal. Again, I have do not know ONE PERSON who personally dislikes Jim Les. Who are these people? I ask once again.

                You seem to not be able to separate the personal from the professional. That's your problem, not mine. Just because someone thinks JL isn't doing a good job as the Bradley basketball coach that doesn't mean they are anti-JL or that they have a personal bias against him.

                For the record--I have numerous, numerous, numerous times stated that I think Jim Les is a very nice person. Seems to be a good guy. I have had very positive interactions with him the few times I've met him. He is a very hard worker. He is extremely successful. He appears to be a great husband and father. Also, after recent wins I've started my posts congratulating Coach Les on playing well and on the victories.

                That doesn't mean he should continue to make close to $500,000 a year as the head coach of the Bradley men's basketball program.

                I just don't see how you cant separate the two.


                • Originally posted by BradleyJD View Post
                  Personal bias against Jim Les is what he posted.

                  I like Jim Les, the person.

                  I wanted Jim Les to be successful.

                  I DO NOT like the way his tenure at BU has gone.

                  Those are separate things.

                  There is no personal bias against Jim Les. Not liking what has happened with his coaching is not personal, in any way.
                  I agree with you JD.. I'm not really a fan of PJS or Wessler but have no problem with him stating his opinion on Les' future in his EDITORIAL. I also liked Les as a player, like him as a person, and appreciate his giving his heart and soul to BU......... I'm just ready for a new coach and a new direction. Does that make me a "hater"? I don't think so!


                  • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    You are right about the fact that we are all intelligent, I have papers to prove it.
                    Intelligence or common sense they're two very different things.


                    • Originally posted by canadian View Post
                      I apologize beforehand if this sounds condescending. But come on. We are all intelligent people on this board (I think). I'm guessing most of us have been following sports for many, many years. Been reading newspapers, columns, blogs, listening to call in shows, watching sports programs on TV, etc. etc. etc.

                      How is what Kirk Wessler wrote any different than what has been going on in sports media for decades?

                      There was speculation by a sports columnist?? The humanity!!

                      A media person commented about the job status of a head coach of a major sports program? Who has HEARD of such a thing?!?!?!?!?!

                      A blogger blogged about something that was an opinion that might have caused some discussion and debate? When did THIS practice start?!?!?!?

                      The funny thing is Kirk did EXACTLY what good media people did. Gave an opinion in a column that eventually got people talking and discussing. Hmm, seems THAT is the job of the media.

                      I honestly still, really, really, really struggle that in 2011 people don't understand the role of the media. It's mind boggling to me at times.
                      Finally, someone "gets it"...bravo.


                      • Tornado, I noticed your post disappeared.

                        You claim that I was never Pro-JL. That no post of mine ever praised JL.

                        Ask SRW about my feelings on JL's hiring. I was overjoyed that he got the job, and I posted about it many times on the PJStar board. I even supported and pushed him hard for the early years when people were saying this experiment was a failure.

                        Ask anyone who regularly posted on the PJStar board.

                        The difference is after the S16 and the year after (which was clearly Jim's best year coaching) the program has deteriorated. Maybe it is/was facilities, defections, coaching changes, injuries, whatever. But it has deteriorated.

                        So do I praise JL as much as I use to? No.

                        But I do when he deserves it.

                        When he deserves questioning or maybe (goodness-forbid) a critical view...I do that too.
                        When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


                        • Bradley can not and will not win 4 games in a row let alone in 4 straight days.

                          I think Wessler is much to soft on both Bradley and on Les.

                          I think Les is a poor coach and beleive he should be fired. I absolutely hate when Bradley loses and personally find zero satisfaction in a Bradley loss.

                          I believe a person who has an opinion can write that opinion without any actual direct quote or fact. If a person is a beat writer and is not writing in a blog he/she must have facts to back up their writing.

                          All kinds of Papers have people who write "opinion" pieces and these pieces often contain, insight without direct quotes. But if Wessler thinks it is likely that Les gets fired then Wessler "likely" believes this. If he writes it is a certainity that Les will be fired in 20 days he better have a source willing to go on a record with that statement.

                          If Wessler writes it with a likely etc its simply his opinion and he is paid by the people who own the Journal Star to express his opinion. He I am sure keeps his ear to the ground and has spoken to sources close to the situation who have made similar if not statements declaring Les will get fired.

                          The statement this type of writing will and can affect Bradleys recruiting or be used against Bradley in recruiting. Probably, but it does not help when the visual product is what it is, the style of play, then lack of winning etc I think affects the recruiting alot more then anything Wessler writes.


                          • Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
                            I agree with you JD.. I'm not really a fan of PJS or Wessler but have no problem with him stating his opinion on Les' future in his EDITORIAL. I also liked Les as a player, like him as a person, and appreciate his giving his heart and soul to BU......... I'm just ready for a new coach and a new direction. Does that make me a "hater"? I don't think so!
                            No, it makes you a concerned fan.
                            When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


                            • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                              You are right about the fact that we are all intelligent, I have papers to prove it..

                              you are wrong that we all are intelligent....I have papers(somewhere I think) that prove it


                              • We take what's written in the paper waaay to serious here in my opinion.


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